Course Videos

  • The videos were designed to make you feel like you are participating in one-on-one tutorial. Try to cultivate the sense of give-and-take that you would have in tutorial. If a video pauses to ask you a question, try to answer the question!
  • The videos provide coverage of physics, general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular cell biology, everything in MCAT science except for physiology, which is covered by other means in the course.
  • The videos build on each other. For example, the figure above is taken from the start of the course in which SDS-PAGE, a key protein laboratory technique, is being used as the context for construction of a free body diagram. It is a Newton's Laws problem. We are studying Newton's Laws while also priming SDS-PAGE. This type of teaching creates depth of processing for both subjects. When we return to SDS-PAGE later in the course, we will be more sophisticated because we primed it here. The videos build on each other, so it is beneficial to watch them in order.
  • All of the learning resources on this website are available without charge or registration except for the quizzes and task management, for which registration is required for database support, and the course videos, which are available through a $14.95 monthly subscription with a one week free trial period. After subscribing to the video component, you can access the most interesting and effective teaching videos in MCAT preparation. If you don't agree, you can cancel before one week and you will not be charged. In subscribing you are making this MCAT course possible. We will do everything we can to support your success in this MCAT course.

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The Integrated MCAT Course is a trademark of Wisebridge Learning Systems. Unless otherwise specified, the works of the Integrated Course are published under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike License. MCAT is a registered trademark of the Association of American Medical Colleges, which does not endorse the Integrated MCAT Course. The Integrated MCAT Course offers our customers no guarantees regarding eventual performance on the MCAT.