Creative Enzymes - Catalytic Modes of Enzymes

A good basic introduction.

Biology LibreTexts - General Acid and Base Catalysis

You are likely to find yourself involved in making a specific catalytic mechanism intelligible on the MCAT. It's very useful to be familiar with the variety of common methods employed by enzymes to stabilize transition states.

Biology LibreTexts - Metal Ion or Electrostatic Catalysis

Covalent or Nucleophilic Catalysis

Biology LibreTexts - Intramolecular Catalysis

Biology LibreTexts - Transition State Stabilization

Enzyme Activity Resources

Integrated MCAT Course
figures for classroom presentation
The Integrated MCAT Course is a trademark of Wisebridge Learning Systems. Unless otherwise specified, the works of the Integrated Course are published under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike License. MCAT is a registered trademark of the Association of American Medical Colleges, which does not endorse the Integrated MCAT Course. The Integrated MCAT Course offers our customers no guarantees regarding eventual performance on the MCAT.